Project Management

Spectrum offers experienced project management support for facilitating the development of new products, services, and change programs.

The Project Management Institute defines the role of the project manager as “the person assigned by the performing organization to lead the team that is responsible for achieving the project objectives”.

The range of individuals performing this role in industry can vary on a wide scale. On one end are those who are assigned a predefined project to progress-chase to completion, while on the other extreme, the task starts by helping identify the scope of the project in the first place. Both demand a lot of common skills, but experienced project management is essential to successfully deliver the full range of project initiatives.

Benefits of Experienced Project Management

Project management is frequently expressed in simple terms around managing the interplay between the cost, quality, and time for an activity. This is of course oversimplifying the matter. As an experienced project manager, the key that sets the tone for any project is to clearly define and keep managing the scope of the project to meet the agreed quality goals. (e.g. scope, specification, user/maintenance needs etc) 

Project Manager Near me - tradeoff between cost, quality and time schedule. The Quality Barometer

The quality level applied to a project can be viewed as a quality barometer, where careful balancing of the pressure between the project quality objectives, and the influence of cost needs to be taken into account. Importantly, this balancing will impact on the project time schedule and ultimately the delivery itself. So, having the experience to set the upfront scope to the appropriate quality objectives is a prerequisite to delivering a successful project outcome, especially when working to a budget. 

Support for Your Project

There are a number of project management frameworks commonly used in industry to manage objectives, phases, risks, stakeholders etc. So, whether your preferred project method is based on PMI, Prince 2, or another approach, we’d be only too happy to discuss how we can help.

Please feel free to contact us to explore your project ideas.